The YCT chairman argued that traditionally minded students are really the minority now, mentioning the uproar that would ensue if he were to walk through campus with a t-shirt stating, “Homosexuality is immoral.” Incidentally, you don’t generally see gay people parading around in shirts that trash heterosexuality, and as the Suicide Girls blog points out, straight kids are in no danger of being called a “breeder” and being shoved into a locker. LGBT centers are not out to recruit unassuming students to denounce Jesus and come to the dark side, either.
These centers are there to provide counseling, support, and education for a group of people who a lot of times are not accepted or belittled by the rest of society for who they are. Some centers encompass other issues as well, like the University of Texas gender and sexuality center, which includes services for women, and surely, even a person who does not fall into any of these categories wouldn’t be turned away if they sought help. It is doubtful that “traditional values” center would be quite as accepting. Legislators claim to “favor only equal time for all kinds of sexuality”, although the actuality of such is impossible as long as there is intolerance and hatred being practiced among groups.
I agree with Rhi's post Separate but Equal? I think the Young Conservative's of Texas and Wayne Christian are just trying to get rid of these "alternative" lifestyle centers. I also have to agree that heterosexuals need no help or support being straight. I however have been to many LGBT (lesbian,gay,bi-sexual,and transgendered) meetings with one of my very best friends while she was coming out. Her parents are very Catholic and to this day tell her she is going to hell for being a lesbian despite the fact she is responsible for opening a shelter in Houston for run away youth and is currently in her third year of seminary master school to become a preacher at a prestigious university. At the time when I was really there to support her she was suicidal while she was trying to come to terms with her sexuality and being very religious. She has come to terms with it now for many years, helped many people from all walks of life and I couldn't be more proud of her. I hope they just change the name to something like UT has, The Gender and Sexuality Center because support for the LGBT is needed. I also want to mention that her reference to the Suicide Girls blog made me go look at it and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be mostly about sex etc. but it covered all kinds of subjects and was awesome.