Friday, February 25, 2011

Less whining, more reason.

The hot topic on every ones lips lately is the Texas budget deficit and how our government is proposing to close the sizeable gap.  Many are criticizing the Republican’s plan to balance the budget without tax increases and making major in areas such as education and health care, but few are voicing ideas on a reasonable alternative.  A recent editorial piece published in the Austin American Statesman about current spending habits and the impending changes mentions a Senator’s suggestions to aid in repairing the budget without touching on gaining revenue or making any cuts on spending.  The proposed bills call for the government to provide clear information to the public concerning the condition of the state’s economy and how and where tax money and other revenue is being utilized.  The piece, aimed at Texas citizens, points out that the more aware we are of the inner workings of our government, the better we will be able to make informed decisions about how our money is spent and make sure we get the things we need.  For a true democracy to run properly, it’s citizens need to participate and make sure they are aware of who is representing them in the decision making process.  The author successfully sheds light on a way the state’s budget problem can be reigned and ensure that our money is distributed fairly.  While this is not a quick fix, which seems to be what lawmakers are after, it would be helpful in the long run.  The future of the state should not be forgotten in the exigency to repair the issue at hand.  We as citizens are reminded that we have a voice in the matter and should not leave it up to the discretion of our lawmakers to make decisions that directly affect our lives using our own money.

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